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“Sunday Stableford” Rules


1. The competition is open to all members (Ladies, Gents and Juniors) with WHS handicaps. Competitions will be held in accordance with the R&A Rules of Golf and the Whetstone Competition Rules, Terms and Conditions as published.

2. The event will be Stableford with Playing Handicap 0.95 x Course Handicap.

3. The submitted round must be played on the designated day.

4. You MUST pay the entrance fee (£1.50) in the envelopes provided and placing it in the blue box in the pro’s shop and you MUST enter your name on the Entry Sheet (in the pro’s shop) before commencing your round. Failure to comply will mean exclusion from the competition.

5. Prizes will be awarded for 1 to 4 places depending on the number of entries

6. Gentlemen and Juniors are to play from White Tees if available otherwise from Yellow Tees. Ladies from Red tees.

rev 10/02/2017   26/3/2021  19/8/2022 PS