CONSTITUTION revised 2021
1. Name
The Club shall be called the WHETSTONE GOLF CLUB and shall consist of Gentleman, Seniors, Ladies & Junior Members, all of whom shall be entitled to attend the Annual General Meetings.
All Members, other than Juniors who attend the Annual General Meeting are allowed to vote.
2. Objectives
To administer the activities of the Club in all aspects in order to:-
(1) preserve the interests of it’s members in both the long term and short term in respect of their participation in the sport of golf at Whetstone and at other England Golf registered golf clubs;
(2) promote the reputation of Whetstone Golf Club within the sport and elsewhere;
(3) promote the game of golf as a sport by upholding the reputation of the game, encouraging participation and supporting golf at all levels, in particular at junior level.
(a) organising golf club activities under the umbrella of the England Golf and R&A in a safe and proper manner;
(b) organising other club activities;
(c) providing through Whetstone Golf Club, the means for members to be affiliated members of England Golf and Leicester and Rutland Golf Union (LRGU)
(d) encouraging the participation of members and member teams in both internal and external golf competitions;
(e) fostering golf in junior members within the club;
(f) upholding the standards amongst members in terms of etiquette and application of the rules
(g) administering the financial contribution of members in a way as to provide “best value for money”;
(h) providing the interface between members and management.
3. Officers, Committee and Management
(a) The Main Committee of Whetstone Golf Club shall consist of the following:
President Captain *Secretary *Treasurer Vice-Captain Immediate Past Captain Lady Captain Chairman of Competitions and Handicap Sub‑Committee Captain of the Seniors Section Handicap Secretary Junior Organiser
* Not eligible to hold more than one office on the Main Committee.
The Management of Whetstone Golf Club Ltd may attend meetings of the Main Committee or its sub-committees.
(b) The Main Committee shall have the resposibility for the management of competition, handicap and membership matters connected with the Club and also responsibility for some social events held – all in accordance with the Aims and Objectives and Terms of Reference of the Committee.
(c) The Management shall have the resposibility for the management of the golf course, the clubhouse , Pro Shop and car parks and be responsible for all paid staff. All income and expenditure connected with these areas is the responsibility of the Management, as is the acceptance of new members and the total number of members allowed to join the Club. Annual subscriptions will be levied by the Management.
(d) The Secretary shall convene all meetings of the Main Committee and these shall be every calendar month. Special meetings will be arranged as and when required by the Committee or at the request of the Captain.
(e) Five members of the Main Committee (not including substitutes) must be present at any meeting to form a quorum. The Captain shall chair meetings of the Main Committee or, in his/her absence, the Vice-Captain. Substitutes are allowed to attend and will have voting rights.
(f) Only the Committee shall have the ability to appoint sub‑committees as required and delegate powers to those sub‑committees. The Captain and Secretary shall be ex-officio members of all sub‑committees with full voting rights. The exception to this is that the Secretary may attend meetings of the Captains’ Committee and Presidents’ Committee but should not be allowed to vote and the Captain may attend meetings of the President’s Committee but should not be allowed to vote.
4. General Meetings.
(a) The Annual General Meeting of the Club shall be held before 31st December. The official Notice of Meeting and a draft agenda prepared by the Committee shall be placed on the Club notice board at least one month before the meeting.
(b) Any member wishing to propose an alteration or addition to the draft agenda shall do so at least 14 days prior to the A.G.M. by writing to the Secretary. The Committee shall consider whether to accept such alterations or additions before the finalised agenda is dispatched to members approximately 7 days prior to the A.G.M. itself.
(c) The quorum for the Annual General Meeting shall be at least 25 members.
(d) The Treasurer shall present to the Annual General Meeting the Annual Statement of Accounts including a Profit and Loss Account and Balance Sheet which have been audited. Members at the meeting will appoint an auditor for the ensuing year.
(e) The Committee at any time may call a Special or Extraordinary General Meeting and shall do so upon the requisition in writing of any 25 members who are qualified to vote at such a meeting, stating the purpose for which the meeting is required. Such notice shall be received by the Secretary 21 days before the date of such a proposed meeting. The Committee in turn shall give 7 days notice to all members.
5. Election of the Main Committee.
(a) Any vacancies of office on the Main Committee shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting.
(b) With the exception of the Club Captain, Club Vice-Captain, Immediate Past Captain and President, each holder of office under 3(a) above shall serve in office for a period of 3 years. The Junior Organiser shall be appointed by the Main Committee rather than being an elected position.
(c) The Club Vice-Captain for any year will be selected by the Captains’ Committee, comprising of the existing Captain and Vice-Captain and the last three past Captains who are existing members of the Club. They shall then serve for a period of 3 years, the second year as Captain and the third as Immediate Past Captain.
It is the responsibility of the Captains’ Committee to brief each Club Vice-Captain before they take up office as Captain.
(d) The Incumbent Lady Captain shall invite another lady member to stand as Lady Vice captain who will then take over the role of Lady Capatin in the following year, this will then be endorsed at AGM.
(e) The President shall serve for a maximum of two years only. Thus nominees for President will be selected every second year by the Presidents’ Committee, comprising of the existing President and the last two Presidents who are existing members of the Club.
(f) Nominations for positions of office on the Main Committee (with the exception of the Vice-Captain, President and Junior Organiser) or a Sub‑Committee shall be proposed and seconded by two voting members (but not Committee or Sub‑Committee members) of the Club and with the full knowledge and consent of the nominee. In any given year a member may only either propose or second one nominee.
(g) Nominations for office should be written on the official nomination sheet which shall be attached to the Club notice board one month before the Annual General Meeting. Nominees shall be approached by the Committee (or its designated representatives) so that the work attached to the position can be explained.
(h) For contested elections, those standing for positions of office on the Main Committee or any Sub-Committee, shall be decided by ballot at the Annual General Meeting, with those receiving the highest number of votes being elected.
(i) Resignations from the Main Committee or any Sub-Committee must be in writing to the Secretary who will submit them to the Main Committee for consideration.
(j) Removal of an officer from a position on the Main Committee or sub-committee shall only be on the decision of the Annual General meeting or Special General Meeting.
6. Casting Vote
In the case of equality of votes at any meeting, the Captain (or in his/her absence, the appointed chairman for that meeting) shall have the casting vote.
7. The Filling of Casual Vacancies and Appointment of Assistants.
(a) Any vacancy occurring may be filled by the Main Committee. The person so appointed shall stand for election (if wishing to do so) at the next Annual General Meeting.
(b) The Main Committee may appoint assistants to help in the organisation of competitions or social events. Remuneration and terms will be agreed by the Main Committee as required.
8. Club Charity
That there be a Club Charity. On an annual rotational basis, the Club Vice-Captain, Lady Vice Captain and Seniors Vice Captain shall nominate a short list of suggested charities to the Main Committee for approval prior to the Annual General Meeting.
9. New Members
New members will be provided with information about the links to relevant club and members web sites regarding new member information
10. Subscriptions
Membership Subscriptions are the responsibility of Management and shall be payable before the 1st June*
*This may be reviewed by the management of Whetstone Golf Club for 2023
11. Members’ Fund
The Members’ Fund is an amount levied on all members (with the exception of juniors) to help finance the running of the Main Committee and its sub-committees and in meeting their aims and objectives. Members’ Fund payments shall be payable on or before 1st June*. If these, or a valid Membership Subscription (see section 10), have not been paid, the Main Committee reserve the right to remove from the handicap list for the member(s) concerned.
*This may be reviewed in line with the management of Whetstone Golf Club for 2023
12. Membership in relation to competition entries
Juniors Members who are under 18 years of age.
Men 18 years of age and over.
Ladies 18 years of age and over.
Seniors 60 years of age and over*
13. Safeguarding · Whetstone Golf Club is fully accredited to Engalnd Golf’s guidence on safeguarding, which covers Anit Bulllying, Diversity and inclusion
14. Complaints & Disciplinary Process
(a) A Disciplinary Register shall comprise of a pool of upto 12 suitable persons, with a minimum level required of 8. This shall be independent of the Main and other Sub-Committees. However, members currently serving on other Committees may apply to be included on the Register.
(b) All disciplinary and grievance issues must, in the first instance, be dealt with by the Main Committee, which shall decide whether such issues are serious enough to warrant consideration by, a suitable person selected from the Disciplinary Register (“Investigation Officer”)
(c) The Main Committee shall delegate powers to the “Disciplinary Committee”, in accordance with the flowchart in section (j)
(d) The member against which allegations have been made shall have the opportunity of stating his/her case to the “Disciplinary Panel”, either in person or in writing. Voting on the matter will be by confidential ballot and there must be a simple majority.
(e) Should justifiable cause be suspected, the Main Committee or the Disciplinary Committee shall have the right, in consultation with Management, to suspend membership without prejudice pending an inquiry.
(f) Before expelling a member of the Club, in consultation with Management, the Main Committee or Disciplinary Committee may communicate with the offending member in order to give him/her the option of resigning from the Club.
(g) Any appeal will be heard by three of the remaining members of the Disciplinary Register. (“Appeal Panel”)
(h) A secretary shall be appointed for all disciplinary issues involving the Disciplinary Committee meetings, who will take no part in the decision making process. This role should be fulfilled by the serving Club Secretary, providing there are no conflicts of interest, in which case the Main Committee shall apoint a suitable other from the Disciplinary Register.
(i) No person shall hold multiple roles in any single Disciplinary Process.
(j) Disciplinary Process (see Flowchart Overleaf)
15. Amendments to the Constitution
(a) The Main Committee may, at any time, amend the Constitution so long as such amendments are put before the next Annual General Meeting for adoption.
(b) A copy of the Constitution shall be placed on the Club notice board.
16. Conduct of the Game
(a) The Club agrees to recognise the Royal and Ancient Golf Club of St. Andrews as the ruling body of Amateur Golf and shall abide by the Rules of Golf and Amateur Status as laid down from time to time by the R&A.
(b) The Club agrees to comply with the World Hadicap System concerning Handicaps (and any conditions imposed within the scheme by England Golf).
(c) The Club agrees to comply with the Constitution and Rules of England Golf and of its County Union as laid down from time to time.
17. Subscriptions - England Golf and County Union (LRGU)
The Club shall pay all subscriptions due to the County Union and to England Golf in respect of every male playing member of whatever category.The Management shall be responsible for the payment of these fees.
(i) To oversee and be ultimately responsible for the arrangements of all competitions held at the Club.
(ii) To oversee arrangements made for inter‑club matches.
(iii) To oversee and review as necessary, the level of competition entry fee and the level of the prize fund for all competitions administered by the Competitions and Handicap Sub-Committee.
(iv) Where the Rules of Golf permit, to delegate powers to the handicap and competiton sub-committee to act as an appeal body in the event of disagreement or dispute concerning competitions.
(i) To oversee the collection of the Members’ Fund.
(ii) To maintain a level of working capital to enable the proper organisation of competitions and purchase of prizes.
(iii) Annually to receive its accounts and those of the Ladies & Senior Sections.
(i) To decide upon and review where necessary, the general conditions relating to the terms of reference, powers and duties of sub-committees and provisions attaching to delegation.
(ii) To establish or disband sub‑committees and decide or review, where necessary, their specific terms of reference.
(iii) To consider correspondence from the membership.
(iv) To make arrangements for the Annual General Meeting of the Club.
(iv) To fill casual vacancies on the Main Committee and any sub-committee and appoint assistants as required under the Club Constitution.
(v) To review the Clubs Safeguarding Policy in conjunction with England Golf annually.
To review as appropriate the Constitution or any part of it for presentation to the A.G.M.
(i) In consultation with Management, to make arrangements for social events falling outside those arranged by Management - these duties being shared amongst members of the Main Committee or its appointees.
(ii) If requested, to assist the Management in the arrangement of any social function.
(i) To welcome new members and acquaint them with the local rules, by‑laws, competition rules and the rules of golf.
(ii) To receive any resignation from Main Committee or any sub‑committee.
(iii) To apply disciplinary procedures where appropriate in accordance with the Constitution.
(i) To consider and decide upon such other things that in the interests of the Main Committee, the Club, the County or the Game of Golf would be seen as beneficial and are not covered elsewhere in these terms of reference.
(ii) To represent the Club at England Golf and L&RGU meetings or events.
1. The number of members on each sub‑committee shall be laid down within their terms of reference and those members that are not members of the Main Committee shall be elected at the A.G.M. The term of office for those serving on sub‑committees shall be 2 years.
2. Each meeting of a sub‑committee shall be properly convened by the Chairman and adequate notice given.
3. The quorum for each sub‑committee meeting must be at least ½ of the membership of the sub‑committee.
4. Notes shall be taken of the decisions or recommendations made at each sub‑committee meeting and a report presented to the next meeting of the Main Committee.
1. All delegated powers and duties shall be exercised and performed on behalf of and in the name of the Whetstone Golf Club Main Committee.
2. Each sub‑committee shall have the power to determine all matters within their terms of reference. Those matters associated with the work of a sub‑committee but failing outside its terms of reference may be recommended to the Main Committee for approval.
Chairman of the Sub‑Committee Competitions Secretary Handicap Secretary Ladies Competition Secretary 4 Competition Assistants
(a) As required, and in consultation with the Main Committee, to make arrangements for competitions within its remit.
(b) To prepare, and keep up to date, a schedule of competitions within its remit for adoption by the Main Committee on an annual basis. Any subsequent changes to the schedule to be dealt with by the Sub-Committee and recommended to the Main Committee.
(c) To apply the powers and obligations as defined in Section 1, “The role of the committee” as published by the R and A .
(d) To maintain handicaps, record all competition winners, purchase all prizes and ensure these are awarded at the Presentation Evenings.
(e) To decide upon prizes for all competitions and make all arrangements for the Presentation Evenings held during the year.
(f) Liaison with the Ladies, Juniors and Seniors Sections with regard to competitions.
(h) To appoint, where appropriate, referees for all competition finals within its remit.
(i) To review, where necessary, the Competition Rules and Local Rules and make recommendations to the main Committee where appropriate.
Captain of the Seniors Section Vice‑Captain of the Seniors Section Seniors Secretary Seniors Treasurer Seniors Fixtures Secretary Seniors Immediate Past Captain Seniors Competitions Secretary 4 Senior Committee Members
(a) To administer seniors’ competitions in compliance with the Club’s overall Competition Rules and in liason with the Competions and Handicap Sub- Committee.
(b) To arrange seniors competition fixtures with other clubs, having due regard for other inter‑club or society matches organised.
(c) To develop the Seniors Section of the Club and encourage participation in competition and social events.
(d) To arrange social activities on behalf of the Seniors Section on a self financing basis.
(e) To levy competition entry fees for seniors competitions to ensure that they are self financing, this being subject to the rules on income set by the Main Committee.
(f) To oversee the balance on funds for the Seniors Section.
Lady Captain Lady Vice‑Captain Ladies Secretary Ladies Treasurer Handicap Secretary Ladies Competitons Secretary Ladies Assistant Competitions Secretary Ladies Immediate Past Captain 2 Committee Members
(a) To administer ladies and mixed competitions in compliance with the Club’s overall Competition Rules and in liason with the Competions and Handicap Sub- Committee.
(b) To arrange ladies competition fixtures with other clubs, having due regard for other inter‑club or society matches organised.
(c) To develop the Ladies Section of the Club, consider correspondance received and encourage participation in competition and social events.
(d) To arrange social activities on behalf of the Ladies Section or the club as a whole on a self financing basis.
(e) To levy competition entry fees for ladies competitions and mixed competitions and ensure that they are self financing, this being subject to the rules on income set by the Main Committee.
(f) To oversee the balance on funds for the Ladies Section.
(g) To be responsible for the implementation of rules and requirements laid down by England Golf.
(h) As appropriate, to make recommendations to the Main Committee on issues falling outside the terms of reference of this Sub-Committee.
1. MEMBERSHIP (Pool of upto 12 Persons, Min 8)
Club Secretary (1) Investigation Officer (1) Disciplinary Panel (3) Appeal Panel (3)
(No one person shall hold multiple roles in any single Disciplinary Matter)
(a) To independently investigate any complaint received by the Main Committee, when requested to do so.
(b) To liaise with Main Committee as to the progress and outcome of any such Investigation.
(c) To organise a Disciplinary Panel of 3 suitable persons and oversee a full Disciplinary Hearing where deemed required,
(d) To liaise with Management and Main Committee as to the progress and Outcome of any such Hearing.
(e) To organise an ‘Appeal Panel’ of 3 suitable persons and oversee a full Appeal Hearing where Complainant submits such an appeal.
(f) To liaise with Management and Main Committee as to the progress and Outcome of any such Appeal.
(g) To liaise with England Golf should the Complainant seek further clarification following the completion of the above processes.
(h) The Register shall be maintained by the Club Secretary, with Volunteers sought at AGMs to maintain sufficient numbers. Members may apply confidentially to be on the register.
(i) All conflicts of Interest shouldbe declared at the earliest opportunity in any disciplinary matter, Members of the register can withdraw at any time, in writing directly to the Club Secretary.
IntroductionWHETSTONEGC is committed to creating and maintaining a safe and positive environment for all individuals involved in golf. Safeguarding duties apply to an adult who: a. Has needs for care and support (whether or not the local authority is meeting any of those needs) and; b. Is experiencing, or is at risk of, abuse or neglect; and; c. As a result of those care and support needs is unable to protect themselves from either the risk of, or the experience of, abuse or neglect.
Principles in relation to adults at riskThe Care and Support Statutory Guidance Section 14.13 sets out the following six key principles which underpin all adult safeguarding work: d. Empowerment: People being supported and encouraged to make their own decisions and informed consent. e. Prevention: It is better to take action before harm occurs. f. Proportionality: The least intrusive response appropriate to the risk presented. g. Protection: Support and representation for those in greatest need. h. Partnership: Local solutions through services working with their communities. Communities have a part to play in preventing, detecting and reporting neglect and abuse. i. Accountability: Accountability and transparency in delivering safeguarding.
Making safeguarding personal is the concept that adult safeguarding should be person led and outcome focused. It engages the person in a conversation about how best to respond to their safeguarding situation in a way that enhances involvement, choice and control. As well as improving quality of life, well-being and safety.
Wherever possible discuss safeguarding concerns with the adult to get their view of what they would like to happen and keep them involved in the safeguarding process, seeking their consent to share information outside of the organisation where necessary.
The principles of the Mental Capacity Act 2005 (MCA) state that every individual has the right to make their own decisions and provides the framework for this to happen.
In addition WHETSTONEGC recognises the following principles which underpin our work with all groups and individuals who may have additional needs for support and protection: j. It is every adult’s right to be protected from abuse irrespective of their age, gender identity, faith or religion, culture, ethnicity, sexual orientation, background, economic position, marital status, disability or level of ability. k. All staff and volunteers share the responsibility for the protection of adults at risk and will show respect and understanding for their rights, safety and welfare. l. The additional vulnerability of disabled adults (including those with invisible disabilities, learning and communication differences) is recognised. m. Allegations of abuse or concerns about the welfare of any adult will be treated seriously and will be responded to swiftly and appropriately. n. WHETSTONE Golf Club recognises the role and responsibilities of the statutory agencies in safeguarding adults and is committed to complying with the procedures of the Local Safeguarding Adults Boards. o. Confidentiality will be maintained appropriately at all times and the adult’s safety and welfare must be the overriding consideration when making decisions on whether or not to share information about them. p. WHETSTONE Golf Club will support all adults to understand their roles and responsibilities with regards to safeguarding and protecting adults at risk, including the responsibility to report all concerns in line with WHETSTONE Golf Club safeguarding adults policy and procedures. q. All participants involved in golfing activities have the right to be listened to with respect and to be heard. FULL SAFEGUARDING POLICY DOCUMENTS FOR BOTH ADULTS AND CHILDREN AVAILABLE VIA LINK ON THE CLUB AND MEMEBRS WEB SITES
H. COMPETITION GENERAL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND CODE OF CONDUCT These conditions apply to all competitions run under the authority of Whetstone GC Committee
1. (a) The relevant organising committee shall lay down the conditions (b) All finals MUST be refereed and finalists should contact the Chairman of the relevant organising committee to arrange a referee at least 7 days prior to the final taking place. In a final, the referee’s decision shall be final, (Rule 20). (c) In the absence of a referee, any dispute or doubtful point on the Rules shall be referred to the relevant organising committee, whose decision shall be final, (Rule 20).
2. Competitors failing to turn up to play in any competition entered shall be liable to pay the entrance fee for that competition prior to playing in another and may receive a 3 competition ban.
3. All competition fees must be paid and ensure that their name is on the Start Sheet before play commences. For knock‑out competitions entrance fees should be paid prior to the draw.
4. Any competitor, in a competition, who leaves the course prior to the completion of their round without justifiable cause shall be suspended from the next two competitions. Such a competitor may appeal, in writing, against suspension. The appeal will be heard by three members of the organising committee running the competition.
5. After completion of the round, competitors should check their score for each hole and settle any doubtful points with the relevant organising committee. They shall ensure that their name is on the card, that the correct Course and Playing Handicaps are shown on the card, that the marker has signed the card and then countersign the card themselves and placed in the Competition Box as soon as possible, (Rule 3.3b). This is required whether the round has been completed or not. In qualifying competitions and when otherwise requested, it is mandatory to enter your score on the PC on completion of your round.
FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE CONDITIONS MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPETITION ENTRIES. 6. Players are expected to complete their rounds in a maximum of 4hrs 15min. Undue slow play may be penalised under rule 5.6 (Loss of hole in match play, 2 stroke penalty in strokeplay or disqualification for repeat offence). 7. If there is a tie for any position, places will be determined by countback over the last nine holes played. If there is still a tie, it will be decided on the last 6 holes, then last 3, then last 1 hole. Otherwise the event will be declared as a tie. An exception to this is the Club Championship where there shall be a playoff in the event of a tie. 8. All competitions must be played on or by the day(s) specified by the organising Committee. In knockout competitions, the period allowed for each round will not be extended, except where course closure has led to abandonment of the match. In these circumstances, permission must be sought from the Chairman of relevant organising committee for such extension as is deemed appropriate. Players entering these competitions do soon this basis. 9. In a Club Championship or where knockout competitions have a qualifying event, players will be seeded for subsequent rounds and/or the first knockout round on the basis of their performance in the previous round or qualifying event. Players must note their contact details on the draw sheet within three weeks of the draw. It is expected that all players co-operate with their opponents in arranging a mutually agreeable date. If an agreement cannot be reached, players should contact the relevant competition organizers at least 14 days before the stipulated date, otherwise all players will be disqualified. 10. Where the competition is abandoned by the organising committee or the course is closed by management - if at least 50% of the field have completed their round then the competition will stand. Entry fees will be returned to competitors who did not complete the round due to cancellation. Where less than 50% have completed, the committee may decide that the competition is re-arranged. In Match play events when the course is agreed to be not playable then play may be suspended (rule 5.7) either by:- Agreement of all players that the course is unplayable Or By suspension by the Organising Committee Or by the occurrence of lightning Play must be resumed as soon as is possible and by agreement of the Organising Committee
11 Juniors may enter mens/ladies competitions so long as their handicap is 14 or less unless otherwise specified in the relevant Competition Conditions.. This only applies where there is a junior trophy/prize.
12 Prizes/trophies will be presented on Presentation Night. Prize-winners must attend or notify the organiser to prevent forfeiture of the prize (but not a trophy).
13 Scorecards submitted for handicap purposes or in competition can only be marked by another member of the club who has an England Golf WHS (WORLD HANDICAP SYSTEM) handicap.
14 Members may only play in club competitions if they have a WHS competition handicap. However members without WHS handicaps may still place their name on the draw sheet and obtain a start time in qualifying competitions. Members without WHS handicaps will not be required to pay the entry fee nor will they be able to claim prizes. This will allow them to submit cards in order to gain a qualifying handicap.
15 Mobile telephones may not be used on the course in a competition by players or caddies for making/sending or receiving calls or texts or, downloading items on the internet (except in cases of emergency). If a serious breach of this rule occurs, or where there are repetitive breaches, a player may be disqualified or disciplined under the Rules of Golf Rule 1.2 for a serious breach of etiquette and may be barred from entering or playing in club competitions for such period as seen fit.
1 The official entry sheet for each competition shall be displayed at least 4 weeks before the competition.
2 The official start sheet incorporating tee-off times shall be displayed at least one week before the competition.
3 A player is only allowed to put their own name on a competition entry sheet. Any player placing their name on a competition entry sheet may themselves remove it prior to the competition draw taking place. Once the draw has been made and the player allocated a tee‑off time on the start sheet, alterations can then only be made by the Handicap Secretary. Competitors with alterations should contact him before 6pm on the day prior to the competition. It is not acceptable to leave messages at the golf club.
Rev 22/2/2023 PS |