COMPETITION GENERAL TERMS, CONDITIONS AND CODE OF CONDUCT These conditions apply to all competitions run under the authority of Whetstone GC Committee
1. (a) The relevant organising committee shall lay down the conditions (b) All finals MUST be refereed and finalists should contact the Chairman of the relevant organising committee to arrange a referee at least 7 days prior to the final taking place. In a final, the referee’s decision shall be final, (Rule 20). (c) In the absence of a referee, any dispute or doubtful point on the Rules shall be referred to the relevant organising committee, whose decision shall be final, (Rule 20).
2. Competitors failing to turn up to play in any competition entered shall be liable to pay the entrance fee for that competition prior to playing in another and may receive a 3 competition ban.
3. All competition fees must be paid and ensure that their name is on the Start Sheet before play commences. For knock‑out competitions entrance fees should be paid prior to the draw.
4. Any competitor, in a competition, who leaves the course prior to the completion of their round without justifiable cause shall be suspended from the next two competitions. Such a competitor may appeal, in writing, against suspension. The appeal will be heard by three members of the organising committee running the competition.
5. After completion of the round, competitors should check their score for each hole and settle any doubtful points with the relevant organising committee. They shall ensure that their name is on the card, that the correct Course and Playing Handicaps are shown on the card, that the marker has signed the card and then countersign the card themselves and placed in the Competition Box as soon as possible, (Rule 3.3b). This is required whether the round has been completed or not. In qualifying competitions and when otherwise requested, it is mandatory to enter your score on the PC on completion of your round.
FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THESE CONDITIONS MAY RESULT IN SUSPENSION OF ACCEPTANCE OF COMPETITION ENTRIES. 6. Players are expected to complete their rounds in a maximum of 4hrs 15min. Undue slow play may be penalised under rule 5.6 (Loss of hole in match play, 2 stroke penalty in strokeplay or disqualification for repeat offence). 7. If there is a tie for any position, places will be determined by countback over the last nine holes played. If there is still a tie, it will be decided on the last 6 holes, then last 3, then last 1 hole. Otherwise the event will be declared as a tie. An exception to this is the Club Championship where there shall be a playoff in the event of a tie. 8. All competitions must be played on or by the day(s) specified by the organising Committee. In knockout competitions, the period allowed for each round will not be extended, except where course closure has led to abandonment of the match. In these circumstances, permission must be sought from the Chairman of relevant organising committee for such extension as is deemed appropriate. Players entering these competitions do soon this basis. 9. In a Club Championship or where knockout competitions have a qualifying event, players will be seeded for subsequent rounds and/or the first knockout round on the basis of their performance in the previous round or qualifying event. Players must note their contact details on the draw sheet within three weeks of the draw. It is expected that all players co-operate with their opponents in arranging a mutually agreeable date. If an agreement cannot be reached, players should contact the relevant competition organizers at least 14 days before the stipulated date, otherwise all players will be disqualified. 10. Where the competition is abandoned by the organising committee or the course is closed by management - if at least 50% of the field have completed their round then the competition will stand. Entry fees will be returned to competitors who did not complete the round due to cancellation. Where less than 50% have completed, the committee may decide that the competition is re-arranged. In Match play events when the course is agreed to be not playable then play may be suspended (rule 5.7) either by:- Agreement of all players that the course is unplayable Or By suspension by the Organising Committee Or by the occurrence of lightning Play must be resumed as soon as is possible and by agreement of the Organising Committee. In match play events any player may determine that the course is unplayable. In which case play must stop and be restarted at a time determined by the committee cf rule 5.7b
11. Junior boys and girls with WHS Handicaps may play in Club Competitions in accordance with the entry conditions. In competitions which have a separate junior division, juniors must have a handicap of 14(boys) or 54(girls) in order to enter the adult competition. When playing in any competition a junior must be accompanied by more than one adult member with a handicap (one of whom must be of the same sex), unless playing only with other juniors
12 Prizes/trophies will be presented on Presentation Night. Prize-winners must attend or notify the organiser to prevent forfeiture of the prize (but not a trophy).
13 Scorecards submitted for handicap purposes or in competition can only be marked by another member of the club who has an England Golf WHS (WORLD HANDICAP SYSTEM) handicap.
14 Unless otherwise specified in the Competition Conditions, members may only play in club competitions if they have a WHS competition handicap. However members without WHS handicaps may still place their name on the draw sheet and obtain a start time in qualifying competitions. Members without WHS handicaps will not be required to pay the entry fee nor will they be able to claim prizes. This will allow them to submit cards in order to gain a qualifying handicap.
15 Mobile telephones may not be used on the course in a competition by players or caddies for making/sending or receiving calls or texts or, downloading items on the internet (except in cases of emergency). If a serious breach of this rule occurs, or where there are repetitive breaches, a player may be disqualified or disciplined under the Rules of Golf Rule 1.2 for a serious breach of etiquette and may be barred from entering or playing in club competitions for such period as seen fit.
1 The official entry sheet for each competition shall be displayed at least 4 weeks before the competition.
2 The official start sheet incorporating tee-off times shall be displayed at least one week before the competition.
3 A player is only allowed to put their own name on a competition entry sheet. Any player placing their name on a competition entry sheet may themselves remove it prior to the competition draw taking place. Once the draw has been made and the player allocated a tee‑off time on the start sheet, alterations can then only be made by the Handicap Secretary. Competitors with alterations should contact him before 6pm on the day prior to the competition. It is not acceptable to leave messages at the golf club.
Rev 22/2/2023 PS Jan2025 PS |