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   Calculation of the Stroke Allowed in Competition from 1st April 2024


For competitions with use more than one tee, a Mixed Tee Allowance (MTA) may have to be added. This is the difference in par from the lowest par being played in the competition.

 From the Playing Handicap tables Strokes Allowed are therefore as follows:-


Singles Strokeplay              PH(95%) + MTA


Singles Matchplay              PH(100%) + MTA – Highest receives full difference strokes from lowest


Singles Stableford or Bogey   PH(95%)


4BBB Strokeplay               PH(85%) + MTA


4BBB Stableford or Bogey     PH(85%)


4BBB Matchplay            For each player - PH(100%) + MTA is calculated.  The strokes received are 90% of the difference from the lowest (rounded)


Foursomes (Matchplay)    TEAM PH= player1 PH(100%)+ MTAs + player2 PH(100%)+ MTAs . Thence half the difference of the other TEAM (rounded)


Foursomes (except Matchplay)   TEAM PH=( player1 unrounded CHs+ MTA) + player2 unrounded CHs+ MTAs) x 0.5 and  rounded


Greensomes    PH= (0.6 x lowest unrounded CH +MTA) + (0.4 x highest unrounded CH +MTA) rounded